Natural Beauty with Tania Louise Australia and Wild Jasper
Tania Louise is passionate about teaching young girls to love the skin they are in, to enhance their unique natural beauty and to embrace what could be perceived as 'flaws'
Wild Jasper's mission is to help girls find clothing that can help enhance their unique and natural beauty.
Together with Photograph. and Tania Louise Makeup artist we created an empowering, natural & cruelty free beauty fashion shoot at our South Australian country store, complete with a hedge and vintage bicycle at the front door.
We chose a gorgeous group of girls passionate about natural beauty, classy fashion for teens and dancing to represent these Australian brands.
These four girls are passionate about dance, expressing themselves and choosing cosmetics that are safe for them and the environment.
If you love this cold shoulder ruffle top, you can buy online here at Wild Jasper
Our models love the botanic and mineral beauty products used on their skin, and were excited to wear the latest designs from Wild Jasper.